Friday, October 7, 2011

X-rays: Advantages and Disadvantages

X-rays are electromagnetic radiations which have a wavelength shorter than ultraviolet rays but longer than gamma rays. Hard X-rays are commonly used to take an image (known as radiographic images) because they are able to penetrate solid objects like our bodies.

Advantages of x-rays: 

  • X-rays are used to treat malign tumors before its spreads throughout the human body.
  • They help radiologists identify cracks, infections, injury, and abnormal bones.
  • They also help in identifying bone cancer.
  • X-rays help in locating alien objects inside the bones or around them.   
Disadvantages of x-rays:
  • x-rays makes our blood cells to have  higher level of hydrogen peroxide which could cause cell damage.
  • a higher risk of getting cancer from X-rays.
  • The X-rays are able to change the base of the DNA causing a mutation.